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The Bear is a mammal and member of the bear family. They are large and very dangerous due to their carnivorous nature, and will treat any intruders on their territory with hostile intent, even humans. The only way to avoid a bear is to not confront it or play dead to convince the bear to leave if it realizes its prey is deceased and not worth its time.

Role in Games[]

Bears were introduced in Dynasty Warriors 8 as obtainable mounts through random drops.

Bears appear again in Dynasty Warriors 9 and often are found in the wilderness all over China.

Aside from the regular bears, there are white, black, and gray variants that are much stronger than the standard versions. Gray bears can be found mostly around the northern parts of China in the tundra regions, white bears in the more snowy areas, such as the one section of the Great Wall in the northeastern part of the map, and black bears in the more fertile lands in central or southern China, such as the Wu Territory, Jing Province, or the region between Juan Castle and the river north of Shouchun. Further updates allowed for these animals to be captured via baited large box traps or through the use of tranquilizer arrows and thus used as battle animals by the player's character. Tranquilizers will only be more effective during the Companion Animals Acquisition daily bonus.

Bears can be sold at stables in the various towns and cities around China for special items called "Bear's Delicacy" that can be used to upgrade them. More gold can be earned for selling a higher level bear that has been used in battle and grown stronger from experience with the player's character.

Bears all come with the skill "Loyal Protector" that can essentially absorb incoming damage a player would receive with their own bodies within a certain range of the animal itself and come in several types like all combat-based animals in Power, Defense, and Stamina with random stats in health, attack, and defense upon initial capture. Normal attacks for a bear are mainly powerful swipes with their front paws to send an enemy flying backwards.

Lightning Bear and Lightning Bear - Revisited[]

Later updates introduced the much stronger and powerful boss animal Lightning Bear and its stronger variant, Lightning Bear - Revisited, which can be found at their respective Cursed Stone locations in the vast wilderness of Nanzhong along the southwestern coast of China. Lightning Bear looks like a larger version of a Black Bear, while the Revisited version looks like a larger version of a Gray Bear.

Unlike regular bears, the Lightning Bear and its stronger Revisited counterpart use lightning-based attacks that drain Stamina over several seconds should an enemy be hit by their attacks and survive, and if given time, can power up to their full strength if not interrupted during the move to increase their power to the next stage, where they will be protected by a powerful lightning shield to amplify their strikes.

Lightning Bear and Lightning Bear - Revisited can be captured with tranquilizer arrows, but the best chance to do so is when their Break Gauge is empty and the Companion Animals Acquisition daily bonus is active.

Lightning Bear and Lightning Bear - Revisited, can be sold to the Stable Master in large cities to be awarded the "Beast's Delicacy" for the boss animals to be upgraded with.

In Samurai Warriors: Spirit of Sanada a bear will randomly appear throughout the game's explorable areas. The bear has an invisible bond meter which increases whenever it is encountered. When encountered enough times, the bear will be purchasable from the stable.

