Koei Wiki
Cagalli Yula Athha
Cagalli Yula Athha (DWGR)
Character Information
Series Appearance(s): Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny
Allegiance(s): Desert Dawn
Orb Union
Three Ships Alliance
15-16 (SEED)
18 (Destiny)
162 cm (SEED)
164 cm (Destiny)
54 kg (SEED)
48 kg (Destiny)
Mobile Suit(s):
First Appearance: Dynasty Warriors: Gundam Reborn
Voice Actors:

Cagalli Yula Athha is the adopted daughter of Uzumi Nara and Kira Yamato's twin sister. She encounters Kira during her visit to Heliopolis to determine whether or not new Mobile Suits were in development there. She eventually betrays her faher and escapes Orb to join the Archangel crew to help fight ZAFT. With the invasion of Orb by the Earth Alliance, she escapes to space and resolves to bring an end to the war. in the final battle, she uses the Strike Rouge and helps Athrun Zala destroy GENESIS.

Following the Battle of Jachin Due, she becomes the Chief Representative of the Orb Union, but loses control of Orb aafter a marriage to Yuna Roma Seiran. She rejoins the Archangel and strives to keep Orb safe from the ravages of war. When ZAFT invades Orb she is given the Akatsuki, which her father had left behind, and uses it to defend Orb and take back her former position. Afterwards, she fiercely opposes Durandal's Destiny Plan, then later attends the cease-fire signing wit ZAFT following Messiah's destruction.

Mission Mode[]

In Dynasty Warriors: Gundam Reborn, Cagalli often appears as an enemy, trying to get the battle to cease-fire.

In the Fidning Blondie story, Cagalli misunderstands Bright Noa's actions as an attack in Return to Orb.

In Mission Accepted, Cagalli speaks out against the ZERO System being developed by Doctor J.

She is among the crew fighting to keep the Archangel in the Protect the Archangel! story.

In Stop the Nuke Launch, Cagalli requests backup from Bright Noa in Orb, Stained with Hatred.

In A Woman's Battle, Cagalli fights with Lacus over lovers.

She also participates in the Titan's Gundam Fight in the Gundam Fight! Ready? GO! story.



See also: Cagalli Yula Athha/Quotes

External Links[]
