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Trait List[]

A list of troops that players can recruit for their officers. Some units are unlocked by attaining troop proficiency from training missions while others come from villages that offer their services if made into vassal states.

Unit Special Effect ATK DEM DEF Move Range Cost
Spear Units
Light Spear None 100 60 100 50 0 0
Village: No Proficiency: 0 Level 1 spear. High destruction, can strike horse troops.
Heavy Spear None 120 65 120 50 0 10
Village: No Proficiency: 1,000 Level 2 spear. High destruction, can strike horse troops.
Elite Spear None 150 70 150 50 0 20
Village: No Proficiency: 2,000 Level 3 spear. High destruction, can strike horse troops.
Qinzhou Infantry Morale Restored 150 70 150 50 0 20
Village: Yes Proficiency: 2,000 Level 3 spear. Strikes restore morale.
Eastern Infantry Troop Attack Increased 120 65 120 50 0 10
Village: Yes Proficiency: 1,000 Level 2 spear. Powerful strikes.
Armored Infantry None 120 65 120 50 0 10
Village: Yes Proficiency: 1,000 Level 2 spear. Best defense, but weak to fire.
Horse Units
Light Horse None 100 50 85 75 0 0
Village: No Proficiency: 0 Level 1 horse. High mobility, can strike bow troops.
Heavy Horse None 120 55 100 75 0 10
Village: No Proficiency: 1,000 Level 2 horse. High mobility, can strike bow troops.
Elite Horse None 150 60 125 75 0 20
Village: No Proficiency: 2,000 Level 3 horse. High mobility, can strike bow troops.
Tiger Cavalry Enemy Morale Decreased 150 60 125 75 0 20
Village: Yes Proficiency: 2,000 Level 3 horse. Strikes reduce enemy morale.
Xiliang Warriors Troop Attack Increased 120 55 100 75 0 10
Village: Yes Proficiency: 1,000 Level 2 horse. Powerful strikes.
Elephant Riders None 170 180 125 50 0 30
Village: Yes Proficiency: 2,000 Level 3 horse. Low mobility, but high attack and destruction.
Bow Units
Light Bow None 75 40 85 50 25 0
Village: No Proficiency: 0 Level 1 bow. Ranged attackers, can strike spear troops.
Heavy Bow None 90 45 100 50 25 10
Village: No Proficiency: 1,000 Level 2 bow. Ranged attackers, can strike spear troops.
Elite Bow None 115 50 125 50 25 20
Village: No Proficiency: 2,000 Level 3 bow. Ranged attackers, can strike spear troops.
Mounted Archers Troop Attack Increased 115 50 125 75 25 20
Village: Yes Proficiency: 2,000 Level 3 bow. High mobility, powerful strikes.

This list pertains to siege weapons and ships, both of which are vital in siege attacks and naval battles.

Construct Required Technology ATK DEM DEF Range Cost DUR
Siege Weapons
Siege Ladder None 50 50 50 0 1,500 500
Only usable in front of walls. Used to climb up walls.
Battering Ram None 25 250 50 8 1,000 300
Only usable in front of gates. High destruction.
Siege Tower Siege Tower Research 50 60 50 30 1,500 300
Unplaceable on forests or rivers. Hits all enemies in range.
Catapult Catapult Research 75 250 50 45 2,000 300
Unplaceable on forests or rivers. Powerful ranged attack.
Boats None 80 100 60 25 0
Ranged. Low attack and defense, but best mobility.
Assault Ship None 120 100 50 25 500
Close range. High mobility.
Warship Strengthen Ship 120 130 40 25 1,000
Close range. High attack and defense, but poor mobility.
Tower Ship Strengthen Ship 120 150 40 25 1,500
Ranged. Highest attack and defense, but poor mobility.

Introduced in the Fame and Strategy expansion pack, strongholds are used to protect occupied key points. They offer various beneficial effects to the player while keeping morale high for exhausted officers.

Construct Cost Level DUR Battle Effects Control Effects
Fortified Camp 1,000 1 500~1,250 Defense Increase Durability Increase Main Camp
Music Tower 2,000 2 500~1,250 Restore Morale Restore Morale in Main Camp
Infirmary 3,000 3 500~1,250 Restore Wounded Restore Wounded in Main Camp
Depot 4,000 4 500~1,250 Supplement Supplies Supplement Supplies in Main Camp
Guard Camp 5,000 5 1,000~2,500 Turn Battlefield into Gate Battle

Fame and Strategy adds officer tactics that may be proposed during war councils. These consume tactical points and are accessible at any moment in time once the confirmed tactics get put into place.

Tactics Strength Terrain Effects
Martial Music Tactic 120 Camp [Ally] [AOE] Morale +
Major Music Tactic 120 Camp [Ally] [AOE] Morale ++
Extreme Music Tactic 120 Camp [Ally] [AOE] Morale ++, Time +, Area of Effect +
Medic Tactic 120 Camp [Ally] [AOE] Recovery +
Major Medic Tactic 120 Camp [Ally] [AOE] Recovery ++
Extreme Medic Tactic 120 Camp [Ally] [AOE] Recovery ++, Time +
Prayer Tactic 100 Camp [Ally] [Battle] Control +
Major Prayer Tactic 100 Camp [Ally] [Battle] Control ++
Earnest Prayer Tactic 100 Camp [Ally] [Battle] Control ++, Control Requirement Reduced
Protection Tactic 80 Camp [Ally] [Battlefield] Defense +
Firm Protection Tactic 80 Camp [Ally] [Battlefield] Defense ++
Absolute Protection Tactic 80 Camp [Ally] [Battlefield] Defense ++, Base Defense +
Mobility Tactic 80 Camp [Ally] [Battlefield] Mobility ++
Speedy Movement Tactic 80 Camp [Ally] [Battlefield] Mobility +++
Extreme Swiftness Tactic 80 Camp [Ally] [Battlefield] Mobility +++, Mobility Over Bad Terrain +
Discipline Tactic 40 None [Ally] [AOE] Morale Attack
Armored Mount Tactic 60 None [Ally] [Horse] Defense ++, Morale Attack
Iron Mount Tactic 60 None [Ally] [Horse] Defense ++, Mobility +, Morale Attack
Steel Mount Tactic 60 None [Ally] [Horse] Defense ++, Mobility Attack +, Morale Attack
Spear Strike Tactic 60 None [Ally] [Spear] Pincer Attack +, Morale Attack
Fierce Spear Strike Tactic 60 None [Ally] [Spear] Pincer Attack +, Mobility +, Morale Attack
Violent Spear Strike Tactic 60 None [Ally] [Spear] Pincer Mobility Attack +, Morale Attack
Longbow Tactic 80 None [Ally] [Bow] Range +, Morale Attack
Greatbow Tactic 80 None [Ally] [Bow] Range +, Mobility +, Morale Attack
Masterbow Tactic 80 None [Ally] [Bow] Range Mobility Attack +, Morale Attack
Spear Ambush Tactic 100 Forest [Ally] [Spear] Ambush and Surprise Attack, Mobility -
Greatspear Ambush Tactic 100 Forest [Ally] [Spear] Ambush and Surprise Attack, Mobility -
Steel Spear Ambush Tactic 100 Forest [Ally] [Spear] Ambush and Surprise Attack, Mobility -
Bow Ambush Tactic 100 Forest [Ally] [Bow] Ambush and Surprise Attack, Mobility --
Strongbow Ambush Tactic 100 Forest [Ally] [Bow] Ambush and Surprise Attack, Mobility --
Steelbow Ambush Tactic 100 Forest [Ally] [Bow] Ambush and Surprise Attack, Mobility --
Shaft Tactic 100 None [Ally] [Bow] [Spear] Move Underground to Designated Location
Burrow Tactic 100 None [Ally] [Bow] [Spear] Move Underground to Designated Location
Tunnel Tactic 100 None [Ally] [Bow] [Spear] Move Underground to Designated Location
Local Troop Tactic 180 None [Ally] Morale +++, Recovery +++
Perfect Shield Tactic 80 None [Ally] [Spear] Defense +++, Unit Area of Effect +
Wild Rush Tactic 100 None [Ally] Attack +++, Troops -
Exploitation Tactic 100 None [Ally] Troops Restored During Attack +
Disturbance Tactic 80 Camp [Enemy] Control Limit -
Confusion Tactic 80 Camp [Enemy] Control Limit --
Upheaval Tactic 80 Camp [Enemy] Control Limit ---
Stone Soldiers Tactic 100 Camp [Enemy] [AOE] Mobility ---
Taunt Tactic 100 Camp [Enemy] [Battle] Taunt Low INT Officers
Hot Oil Trap Tactic 80 Wall [Enemy] Morale Down -, Troops -
Poison Trap Tactic 60 Swamp [Enemy] Poisoned (Shortened in Camps)
Beast Trap Tactic 140 Forest [Enemy] Troops ---
Archer's Trap Tactic 120 None [Enemy] Unable to Move
Pitfall Trap Tactic 120 Plains [Enemy] Troops --, Morale -
Falling Rock Trap Tactic 160 Mountains [Enemy] Troops ---
Bribe Trap Tactic 80 Camp [Enemy] Troops ---, [Commander] Funds --

Indicates an officer's proficiency with certain abilities ranging from 0 to 9.

Ability Description Level Up Effect
Commerce Increases effectiveness in markets. Increases effectiveness.
Farming Increases effectiveness in farmlands. Increases effectiveness.
Culture Increases effectiveness in study halls. Increases effectiveness.
Training Increases effectiveness in barracks. Increases effectiveness.
Patrol Increases effectiveness on inspections. Increases effectiveness.
Coax Enables character to use coax during placate missions. Increases initial morale.
Negotiate Increases initial negotiation progress on diplomatic missions. Increases progress.
Orator Increases damage dealt and starting wisdom in debates. Increases damage dealt.
Virtue Enables to meet and recruit officers without invitations. Increases chance of employment.
Overawe Increases troop count. Increases troop count further.
Speed Increases unit mobility on land only. Increases mobility further.
Arouse Increases attack and defense when troop count falls to a certain number. Increases attack and defense further.
Endurance Regains morale after defeating enemy units. Increases morale restored.
Siege Increases damage to gates, outposts, and siege weapons. Increases damage dealt.
Weapons Turns ballistae into chu-ko-nu and grants siege weapons more durability. Increases durability.
Defense Increases defense on camps and castle walls. Increases defense.
Naval Allows unit to maintain morale on water and be unaffected by currents. Increases chance of continuous attacks.
Dueling Increases damage and starting will in duels. Increases damage dealt.
Heroism Allows unit's soldiers to do strikes on enemy soldiers of the same class. Increases strike damage.
Strategy Grants character a chance to evade an enemy strike. Increases strike evasion chance.

Yields various effects when employed in battle. Duration depends on the user's intelligence stat. Control numbers parenthesized indicate the amount required for strategies in Fame and Strategy.

* only available in the Fame and Strategy expansion.
Strategy Control Effects
Healing Strategies
Morale Boost 1 [Target: Own] Morale +++
Inspire 3 [Target: Ally] Morale +++
Vanguard 4 [Target: Ally] Morale +, Troop +
Strategic Aid 5 [Target: Ally] DEF +, Morale +, Troop +
Attendant 6 [Target: Ally] DEF +, Morale +, Troop ++
Grand Healing 5 [Target: Ally] Troop +++ (Single)
Encourage 2 [Target: Ally] Status Recovery
Brilliant Maneuver 8 (7) [Target: Ally] ATK ++, DEF ++, Morale +, Strike, Preserve Morale, Status Recovery
Great Rebound 10 [Target: Ally] ATK +, Morale +++, Status Recovery
Attack Buff Strategies
Strengthen Spears 2 [Target: Own] ATK + (Spearmen Only)
Cavalry Raid 2 [Target: Own] ATK + (Horsemen Only)
Take Aim 2 [Target: Own] ATK + (Bowmen Only)
Mighty Bow 3 [Target: Own] ATK ++, Range ++ (Bowmen Only)
Strengthen Attack 3 [Target: Own] ATK ++
Sacrificial Strike 4 [Target: Own] ATK ++, Morale +++, Troops -, Preserve Morale
Impeccable Strength 5 (4) [Target: Own] ATK +++, Morale +, Strike
Nanman Strike * 5 [Target: Own] ATK +++, Morale +++, Troops -, Preserve Morale
Thousand Slayer 7 [Target: Own] ATK +++, AOE, Strike, Preserve Morale, [Target: Enemy] Morale --
Spear Offense Formation 3 [Target: Ally] ATK ++ (Spearmen Only)
Horse Offense Formation 3 [Target: Ally] ATK ++ (Horsemen Only)
Bow Offense Formation 3 [Target: Ally] ATK ++, Range ++ (Bowmen Only)
Attack Order 4 [Target: Ally] ATK ++
Attack Command 4 [Target: Ally] ATK ++, Morale +
Desperation Command 4 [Target: Ally] ATK ++, Morale +, Desperation
Show of Splendor 6 [Target: Ally] ATK ++, [Target: Enemy] Morale --
Cry of Justice 7 [Target: Ally] ATK ++, Morale ++
Reckless Strike 5 (4) [Target: Ally] ATK ++, Morale ++, Troops -, Preserve Morale
Desperate Command 7 (6) [Target: Ally] ATK +++, Morale +++, Troops -, Preserve Morale
Defense Buff Strategies
Guards Up 2 [Target: Own] DEF + (Spearmen Only)
Mounted Guard 2 [Target: Own] DEF + (Horsemen Only)
On The Defensive 2 [Target: Own] DEF + (Bowmen Only)
Strengthen Defense 3 [Target: Own] DEF ++
Ring Formation 3 [Target: Own] DEF ++, AOE
Greater Desperation 3 [Target: Own] DEF ++, Morale +, Desperation
Indefatigable 4 [Target: Own] DEF ++, Morale ++, Desperation, Preserve Morale
Iron Wall 4 [Target: Own] DEF +++
Shanyue Desperation * 3 [Target: Own] DEF +++, Desperation
Unyielding 3 (4) [Target: Own] DEF +++, MOB ---, Preserve Morale, [Target: Enemy] Morale -
Steel General 6 (5) [Target: Own] DEF +++, Morale ++, AOE, Desperation, Preserve Morale
Spear Defense Formation 3 [Target: Ally] DEF ++ (Spearmen Only)
Horse Defense Formation 3 [Target: Ally] DEF ++ (Horsemen Only)
Bow Defense Formation 3 [Target: Ally] DEF ++, Range ++ (Bowmen Only)
Defend Order 4 [Target: Ally] DEF ++
Defend Command 4 [Target: Ally] DEF ++, Morale +
Stonewall Command 5 [Target: Ally] DEF +++, Morale +, Preserve Morale
Shieldwall Command 7 (6) [Target: Ally] DEF +++, Morale +, Preserve Morale
Mobility Buff Strategies
Forward March 2 [Target: Own] MOB ++ (Spearmen Only)
Rough Riding 2 [Target: Own] MOB ++ (Horsemen Only)
Bowman Step 2 [Target: Own] MOB ++ (Bowmen Only)
Strengthen Mobility 3 [Target: Own] MOB +++
Mighty Warrior 6 [Target: Own] MOB +++, Morale ++, Combo, AOE, Preserve Morale
Brave Warrior 6 [Target: Own] MOB +++, Morale ++, Combo, AOE, Strike, Preserve Morale
Spear Speed Formation 3 [Target: Ally] MOB +++ (Spearmen Only)
Horse Speed Formation 3 [Target: Ally] MOB +++ (Horsemen Only)
Bow Speed Formation 3 [Target: Ally] MOB +++, Range ++ (Bowmen Only)
Advance Order 4 [Target: Ally] MOB +++
Quick Attack 4 [Target: Ally] MOB +++, Morale +
Like The Wind 8 (7) [Target: Ally] MOB +++, Morale +, Combo
Mixed Buff Strategies
Unmoving 4 [Target: Own] ATK ++, DEF +, [Target: Enemy] Morale -
Immovable 6 (5) [Target: Own] ATK +, DEF ++, Morale ++, AOE, Desperation, Preserve Morale
War God 7 (6) [Target: Own] ATK +++, DEF ++, Morale ++, AOE, Strike, Preserve Morale
Fierce Lion 6 [Target: Own] ATK +++, MOB +, Morale ++, AOE, Strike, Preserve Morale
Unwavering 7 (6) [Target: Own] ATK +, MOB +++, Morale +, Combo, AOE, Desperation, Preserve Morale
Undefeatable 7 [Target: Own] ATK +++, MOB +++, AOE, Strike, Preserve Morale, [Target: Enemy] Morale --
Best in History 8 [Target: Own] ATK +++, MOB +++, AOE, Strike, Preserve Morale, [Target: Enemy] Morale ---
Little Dictator 6 [Target: Own] DEF +, MOB +++, Morale +, Combo, AOE, Strike, Preserve Morale
Diqiang Iron Wall * 5 [Target: Own] DEF +++, MOB +++
Undefeated in the Realm 7 (6) [Target: Own] ATK +++, DEF ++, MOB ++, Morale ++, AOE, Strike, Preserve Morale
Versatile Command 6 [Target: Ally] ATK ++, DEF ++, Morale +
Daring Command 7 [Target: Ally] ATK +++, DEF +++, Morale +, Preserve Morale
Quicken Command 5 [Target: Ally] ATK ++, MOB +++, Morale +
Quick Defense 5 [Target: Ally] DEF ++, MOB +++, Morale +
First Emperor 10 [Target: Ally] ATK +++, DEF +++, MOB +++, Morale +++, Preserve Morale
Combat Strategies
Combo 3 [Target: Own] Combo
Multishot 3 [Target: Own] Combo (Bowmen Only)
Cleave 3 [Target: Own] AOE
Cavalry Charge 3 [Target: Own] ATK +, Charge (Horsemen Only)
Charge Command 6 (4) [Target: Ally] ATK +, Morale +, Charge
Advance Command 6 (4) [Target: Ally] ATK +, DEF +, Morale +, Charge
Daring Charge 8 (5) [Target: Ally] ATK ++, Morale ++, Charge
Grand Charge 8 (5) [Target: Ally] ATK ++, DEF +, Morale +, Charge
Xiongnu Wild Shot * 3 [Target: Own] MOB +++, Multi-Directional Attack (Bowmen Only)
Wuwan Rapid Fire * 4 [Target: Own] Multi-Directional Attack, Combo
Bow of Heaven 6 [Target: Own] ATK++, DEF ++, Range +, Morale +, Multi-Directional Attack
Bow of the Gods 6 [Target: Own] ATK ++, MOB +++, Range +, Morale +, Multi-Directional Attack
Volley Command 5 [Target: Ally] Morale +, Multi-Directional Attack
Rapid Fire Command 6 [Target: Ally] Morale +, Multi-Directional Attack, Combo
Status Debuff Strategies
Demoralize 3 [Target: Enemy] Morale -
Weaken Spears 2 [Target: Enemy] ATK - (Spearmen Only)
Weaken Horses 2 [Target: Enemy] ATK - (Horsemen Only)
Weaken Bows 2 [Target: Enemy] ATK - (Bowmen Only)
Weaken Attack 3 [Target: Enemy] ATK --
Intimidate Spears 4 [Target: Enemy] ATK --, Morale - (Spearmen Only)
Intimidate Horses 4 [Target: Enemy] ATK --, Morale - (Horsemen Only)
Intimidate Bows 4 [Target: Enemy] ATK --, Range --, Morale - (Bowmen Only)
Intimidate 4 [Target: Enemy] ATK --, Morale -
Soften Spears 2 [Target: Enemy] DEF - (Spearmen Only)
Soften Horses 2 [Target: Enemy] DEF - (Horsemen Only)
Soften Bows 2 [Target: Enemy] DEF - (Bowmen Only)
Weaken Defense 3 [Target: Enemy] DEF --
Provoke Spears 4 [Target: Enemy] DEF --, Morale - (Spearmen Only)
Provoke Horses 4 [Target: Enemy] DEF --, Morale - (Horsemen Only)
Provoke Bows 4 [Target: Enemy] DEF --, Morale - (Bowmen Only)
Provoke 4 [Target: Enemy] DEF --, Morale -
Slow Spears 2 [Target: Enemy] MOB -- (Spearmen Only)
Slow Horses 2 [Target: Enemy] MOB -- (Horsemen Only)
Slow Bows 2 [Target: Enemy] MOB -- (Bowmen Only)
Weaken Mobility 3 [Target: Enemy] MOB ---
Disturb 4 [Target: Enemy] MOB ---, Morale -
Impede * 6 [Target: Enemy] MOB ---
Ensnare 6 [Target: Enemy] DEF ---, MOB ---, Morale --
Fire Attack Strategies
Burn 5 (4) [Target: Enemy] Morale -, Inflict Burn
Ensuring Flames 6 (5) [Target: Enemy] MOB --, Morale -, Inflict Burn
Fire Burst 6 (5) [Target: Enemy] Morale -, Troops -, Inflict Burn
Grand Flame 7 (6) [Target: Enemy] MOB ---, Morale -, Inflict Burn
Sorcery 7 [Target: Enemy] DEF -, MOB -, Morale --, Inflict Burn
Way of Peace 9 (8) [Target: Enemy] ATK -, DEF -, MOB -, Morale ---, Inflict Burn
Hellfire 9 (8) [Target: Enemy] ATK -, DEF -, MOB ---, Morale -, Inflict Burn
Fire Technique 9 (7) [Target: Enemy] ATK ---, MOB ---, Morale -, Troops -, Inflict Burn
Sacred Flame 9 (7) [Target: Enemy] DEF ---, MOB ---, Morale -, Troops -, Inflict Burn
Burning Steer 9 (7) [Target: Enemy] MOB -, Morale --, Troops ---, Inflict Burn
Misdirection Strategies
Diversion 2 [Target: Own] Diversion
Great Maneuver 3 [Target: Own] ATK ++, DEF ++, MOB +++, Troops -, Diversion
Directed Taunt * 2 [Target: Enemy] Taunt
Taunt 4 [Target: Enemy] Taunt
Mock * 6 [Target: Enemy] Taunt
Taunt Spears 3 [Target: Enemy] Taunt (Spearmen Only)
Taunt Horses 3 [Target: Enemy] Taunt (Horsemen Only)
Taunt Bows 3 [Target: Enemy] Taunt (Bowmen Only)
Intimidating Taunt 5 [Target: Enemy] ATK --, Morale -, Taunt
Provoking Taunt 5 [Target: Enemy] DEF --, Morale -, Taunt
Disturbing Taunt 5 [Target: Enemy] MOB ---, Morale -, Taunt
Misinformation 4 [Target: Enemy] Misinformation
Misinformed Panic 5 [Target: Enemy] ATK --, Morale -, Misinformation
Misinformed Provocation 5 [Target: Enemy] DEF --, Morale -, Misinformation
Misinformed Disturbance 5 [Target: Enemy] MOB ---, Morale -, Misinformation
Crafty Plot 6 [Target: Enemy] ATK --, DEF --, Morale --, Seal Strikes
Lockdown 6 [Target: Enemy] ATK --, DEF --, MOB -, Morale --, Seal Strikes
Allure 6 [Target: Enemy] ATK --, Morale --, Taunt, Seal Strikes
Separation 6 [Target: Enemy] ATK --, DEF --, Morale --, Misinformation, Seal Strikes
False Information 6 [Target: Enemy] DEF ---, Morale --, Misinformation, Seal Strikes

Skills that can only be used by officers who hold the title of ruler, viceroy, governor, or minister.

Expertise Minister Description
Strategy Genius War Minister Grants city officers maximum troops and morale.
Impartiality War Minister Increases the loyalty of city officers every season.
Spywork War Minister Enables character to do spy missions.
Personable War Minister Increases starting progress on diplomacy missions.
Agricultural Domestic Minister Increases the level of officers' agricultural skill.
Mercantile Domestic Minister Increases the level of officers' commercial skill.
Logistical Focus Domestic Minister Lowers army's provision consumption.
Pragmatism Domestic Minister Lowers working time in the market, farm, and study hall.
Expedition Aide Domestic Minister Allows soldiers to return home faster.
Horse Training Military Minister Increases city officers' horse aptitude.
Bow Training Military Minister Increases city officers' bow aptitude.
Spear Training Military Minister Increases city officers' spear aptitude.
Defender Military Minister Increases city units' defense and slightly lowers their mobility.
Fierce Charger Military Minister Increases city units' mobility and slightly lowers their defense.

Titles granted to the player's own officers. These yield beneficial stat increases as well as additional troops and loyalty.

Title Troops LEA WAR INT GOV Rank Presence
Secretary of Promotions 1,000 None None +1 +1 1 0
Senior Officer 1,000 None None +1 +1 1 0
Minister of Election 1,000 None None +1 +1 1 0
Patrol Commander 1,000 None None +1 +1 1 0
Armory Officer 1,000 None None +1 +1 1 0
Treasury Officer 1,000 None None +1 +1 1 0
Administrator 1,000 None None +1 +1 1 0
Negotiator 1,000 None None +1 +1 1 0
2nd Lieutenant 4,000 +1 +1 None None 1 0
Lieutenant 4,000 +1 +1 None None 1 0
Guard 4,000 +1 +1 None None 1 0
Gatekeeper 4,000 +1 +1 None None 1 0
Lt. Governor 5,000 None None +2 +2 2 0
Induction Conditions: Need to control the provincial capital.
Orator 1,000 None None +2 +2 2 0
Records Secretary 1,000 None None +2 +2 2 0
Junior Minister of War 1,000 None None +2 +2 2 0
Junior Secretary 1,000 None None +2 +2 2 0
Officer (Negotiation) 5,000 +2 +2 None None 2 0
Officer (Prisoners) 5,000 +2 +2 None None 2 0
Officer (Defense) 5,000 +2 +2 None None 2 0
Officer (Strategy) 5,000 +2 +2 None None 2 0
North Officer (Deterrence) 5,000 +2 +2 None None 2 0
West Officer (Deterrence) 5,000 +2 +2 None None 2 0
South Officer (Deterrence) 5,000 +2 +2 None None 2 0
East Officer (Deterrence) 5,000 +2 +2 None None 2 0
Governor 6,000 +3 +3 None None 3 0
Induction Conditions: Must have the Lt. Governor title and over 100,000 soldiers.
Attendant 1,000 None None +3 +3 3 0
Fellow 1,000 None None +3 +3 3 0
Senior Advisor 1,000 None None +3 +3 3 0
Chief of Records 1,000 None None +3 +3 3 0
West Commander 6,000 +3 +3 None None 3 0
East Commander 6,000 +3 +3 None None 3 0
Rear Commander 6,000 +3 +3 None None 3 0
Fore Commander 6,000 +3 +3 None None 3 0
Master of Couriers 1,000 None None +4 +4 4 5,000
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 3 title and over 5,000 presence.
Commandant 1,000 None None +4 +4 4 5,000
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 3 title and over 5,000 presence.
Imperial Equerry 1,000 None None +4 +4 4 5,000
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 3 title and over 5,000 presence.
Queen's Minister 1,000 None None +4 +4 4 5,000
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 3 title and over 5,000 presence.
Imperial Mentor 1,000 None None +4 +4 4 5,000
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 3 title and over 5,000 presence.
North Sub-Officer 7,000 +4 +4 None None 4 5,000
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 3 title and over 5,000 presence.
West Sub-Officer 7,000 +4 +4 None None 4 5,000
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 3 title and over 5,000 presence.
South Sub-Officer 7,000 +4 +4 None None 4 5,000
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 3 title and over 5,000 presence.
East Sub-Officer 7,000 +4 +4 None None 4 5,000
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 3 title and over 5,000 presence.
Junior Minister 1,000 None None +5 +5 5 7,500
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 4 title and over 7,500 presence.
Secretary General 1,000 None None +5 +5 5 7,500
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 4 title and over 7,500 presence.
Minister of Oration 1,000 None None +5 +5 5 7,500
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 4 title and over 7,500 presence.
Blood Guard Commander 1,000 None None +5 +5 5 7,500
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 4 title and over 7,500 presence.
Finance Advisor 1,000 None None +5 +5 5 7,500
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 4 title and over 7,500 presence.
North Officer (Defense) 8,000 +5 +5 None None 5 7,500
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 4 title and over 7,500 presence.
West Officer (Defense) 8,000 +5 +5 None None 5 7,500
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 4 title and over 7,500 presence.
South Officer (Defense) 8,000 +5 +5 None None 5 7,500
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 4 title and over 7,500 presence.
East Officer (Defense) 8,000 +5 +5 None None 5 7,500
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 4 title and over 7,500 presence.
Junior Prefect 2,000 None None +6 +6 6 10,000
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 5 title and over 10,000 presence.
Sub-Chancellor 2,000 None None +6 +6 6 10,000
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 5 title and over 10,000 presence.
Blood Minister 2,000 None None +6 +6 6 10,000
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 5 title and over 10,000 presence.
North Officer (Subjugation) 9,000 +6 +6 None None 6 10,000
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 5 title and over 10,000 presence.
West Officer (Subjugation) 9,000 +6 +6 None None 6 10,000
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 5 title and over 10,000 presence.
South Officer (Subjugation) 9,000 +6 +6 None None 6 10,000
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 5 title and over 10,000 presence.
East Officer (Subjugation) 9,000 +6 +6 None None 6 10,000
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 5 title and over 10,000 presence.
Chief Administrator 2,000 None None +7 +7 7 12,500
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 6 title and over 12,500 presence.
Court Officer 2,000 None None +7 +7 7 12,500
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 6 title and over 12,500 presence.
Chief Secretary 2,000 None None +7 +7 7 12,500
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 6 title and over 12,500 presence.
North Officer (Conquest) 10,000 +7 +7 None None 7 12,500
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 6 title and over 12,500 presence.
West Officer (Conquest) 10,000 +7 +7 None None 7 12,500
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 6 title and over 12,500 presence.
South Officer (Conquest) 10,000 +7 +7 None None 7 12,500
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 6 title and over 12,500 presence.
East Officer (Conquest) 10,000 +7 +7 None None 7 12,500
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 6 title and over 12,500 presence.
Guard Officer 2,000 None None +8 +8 8 15,000
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 7 title and over 15,000 presence.
Chancellor 2,000 None None +8 +8 8 15,000
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 7 title and over 15,000 presence.
Undersecretary 2,000 None None +8 +8 8 15,000
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 7 title and over 15,000 presence.
Guard Captain 11,000 +8 +8 None None 8 15,000
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 7 title and over 15,000 presence.
Marshal 11,000 +8 +8 None None 8 15,000
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 7 title and over 15,000 presence.
Horse Captain 11,000 +8 +8 None None 8 15,000
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 7 title and over 15,000 presence.
Minister 11,000 +8 +8 None None 8 15,000
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 7 title and over 15,000 presence.
Chief Minister 3,000 None None +9 +9 9 17,500
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 8 title and over 17,500 presence.
Senior Minister 3,000 None None +9 +9 9 17,500
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 8 title and over 17,500 presence.
Chief Officer 3,000 None None +9 +9 9 17,500
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 8 title and over 17,500 presence.
Grand General 12,000 +9 +9 None None 9 17,500
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 8 title and over 17,500 presence.
Grand Minister 12,000 +9 +9 None None 9 17,500
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 8 title and over 17,500 presence.
Prime Minister 12,000 +9 +9 +9 +9 9 17,500
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 8 title and over 17,500 presence.
Duke 13,000 +9 +9 +9 +9 9 20,000
Induction Conditions: Need to have a level 9 title and over 20,000 presence.
King 14,000 +9 +9 +9 +9 9 22,500
Induction Conditions: Need to be a duke with over 22,500 presence.
Emperor 15,000 +10 +10 +10 +10 10 25,000
Induction Conditions: Need to be a regent with over 25,000 presence.

A key feature introduced in Fame and Strategy, the prestige system reflects how an officer lives their own life which dictates the types of commands made available to them. The system offers six different routes, each with multiple branches offering numerous benefits and parameter changes. Fame is necessary to advance in rank. Also, being an affiliated or free officer affects one's prestige may develop.

Prestige Ordinance Points Description
Patriot System
Lone Wolf None Level: 1 A free wanderer, able to gather troops and join battles.
Special: None Fame: 0
Commands: Recruit, Tour, Draft
Tactics: Spear Ambush Tactic, Bow Ambush Tactic
Conditions: Be a free officer and obtain comrades.
Citizen None Level: 2 A patriotic individual, protecting the city and gathering goods.
Special: Style Fame: 10
Commands: Recruit+, Rounds, Picked Troop Training, Draft
Tactics: Spear Ambush Tactic, Bow Ambush Tactic
Conditions: Gain 100 renown, have at least 5 possible comrades, and complete at least 1 good request for renown.
Patriot None Level: 3 A great leader able to invite any of bonded officers to become comrades using draft.
Special: Style+ Fame: 20
Commands: Itinerant Recruiting, Rounds+, Draft+, Picked Troop Training+
Tactics: Greatspear Ambush Tactic, Strongbow Ambush Tactic
Conditions: Gain 500 renown, have at least 20 possible comrades, and participate in over 15 battles.
Paragon None Level: 4 A patriot of the land gathering comrades and trying to stop the battles.
Special: Dignity Fame: 30
Commands: Itinerant Recruiting, Evoke Duty, Arbitrate, Inspect, Picked Troop Training+
Tactics: Steel Spear Ambush Tactic, Steelbow Ambush Tactic, Pitfall Trap Tactic
Conditions: Gain 1,500 renown, have at least 40 possible comrades, and recruit more than 10 comrades.
Knight Errant None Level: 4 A leader versed in tactics, who travels like the wind throughout the land.
Special: Splinter, Style+ Fame: 30
Commands: Itinerant Recruiting+, Draft+, Rounds+, Picked Troop Maneuvers
Tactics: Greatspear Ambush Tactic, Strongbow Ambush Tactic, Extreme Swiftness Tactic
Conditions: Gain 1,500 renown, have at least 30 possible comrades, and win more than 30 battles.
Bandit None Level: 2 An unruly person who attacks cities and steals goods.
Special: Style Fame: 0
Commands: Levies, Pillage, Picked Troop Training, Draft
Tactics: Shaft Tactic, Disturbance Tactic
Conditions: Gain 20 renown and collect 5,000 in funds.
Bandit Chief None Level: 3 A criminal destroying city walls and generally causing chaos.
Special: Style+ Fame: 20
Commands: Levies+, Plunder, Picked Troop Training+, Draft
Tactics: Burrow Tactic, Disturbance Tactic
Conditions: Gain 500 renown, collect 10,000 in funds, and complete over 5 misdeed requests for renown.
Bandit Lord None Level: 4 Ruler of the darkness who can even get the outlanders to follow him.
Special: Dignity Fame: 30
Commands: Command: Conscript, Plunder+, Assail Request, Picked Troop Maneuvers, Draft
Tactics: Tunnel Tactic, Confusion Tactic, Taunt Tactic
Conditions: Gain 1,500 renown, collect 30,000 in funds, and complete over 10 misdeed requests for renown.
Executioner None Level: 3 A fighter who walks the dark, whose purpose is to attack the strong.
Special: None Fame: 0
Commands: Assail, Martial Conditioning, Plans
Tactics: Poison Trap Tactic
Conditions: Have 0 renown, participate in over 5 duels, and kill an officer in battle and pillages.
Lord of Death None Level: 4 The master of assassination who changes history from the shadows.
Special: None Fame: 0
Commands: Assassinate, Martial Conditioning+, Plans
Tactics: Poison Trap Tactic
Conditions: Gain 5,000 hearsay.
Merchant System
Trader None Level: 1 A beginning merchant who gains profit from specialties and supplies.
Special: None Fame: 0
Commands: Trade, Purchase Specialty, Add-On, Supplies Deals
Tactics: Archer's Trap Tactic
Conditions: Have over 1,000 in funds, be a free officer, and own at least 3 specialties.
Merchant None Level: 2 A man capable of dealing with the chaos, invest earned profits in the force.
Special: None Fame: 0
Commands: Trade+, Purchase Specialty, Add-On+, Supplies Deals, Venture, Intervention
Tactics: Archer's Trap Tactic
Conditions: Have over 30,000 in funds and succeed at trade missions.
Grand Merchant None Level: 3 A great one that moves the world with money, known throughout the land.
Special: None Fame: 0
Commands: Transaction, Purchase Specialty, Repair Shop, Supplies Deals, Investment, Intervention+
Tactics: Archer's Trap Tactic
Conditions: Have over 100,000 in funds and succeed at venture missions.
White Dragon None Level: 4 A merchant with a fortune large enough to be carved into the annals of history.
Special: None Fame: 0
Commands: Transaction, Purchase Specialty, Repair Shop, Supplies Deals, Major Investment, Force Guidance
Tactics: Archer's Trap Tactic
Conditions: Have over 300,000 in funds.
Black Dragon None Level: 4 A brilliant trader, whose fortune is used to manipulate the chaos of battle from the shadows.
Special: None Fame: 0
Commands: Transaction, Purchase Specialty, Repair Shop, Supplies Deals, Major Investment, Force Awareness
Tactics: Archer's Trap Tactic
Conditions: Have over 200,000 in funds and gain at least 1,000 influence with a single force.
Commander System
Leader Improve Training Level: 1 A simple officer who keeps private troops at the main base.
Special: None Fame: 0
Commands: Recruit, Private Troop Training
Tactics: Martial Music Tactic, Discipline Tactic
Conditions: Obtain merit, join a force, and create a comrade.
General Improve Training+ Level: 2 A fine officer who has been given freedom with city drilling due to accomplishments in battle.
Special: None Fame: 10
Commands: Recruit+, Private Troop Training+, Drill
Tactics: Martial Music Tactic, Discipline Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 7, have at least 1,500 private troops, and enter a battle with them.
Veteran General Raise Morale Level: 3 An officer whose deeds have earned the respect and trust of men.
Special: Command Fame: 20
Commands: Recruit+, Private Troop Training+, Drill+
Tactics: Major Music Tactic, Armored Mount Tactic, Pitfall Trap Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 5, have at least 4,000 in accumulated deeds, and become first in the deeds ranking.
Flying General Raise Morale+ Level: 4 One whose speed of march is on par with the heroes of legend.
Special: Expand Military Prestige Fame: 30
Commands: Recruit+, Private Troop Training+, Special Drill
Tactics: Extreme Music Tactic, Iron Mount Tactic Pitfall Trap Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 2, have at least 10,000 in accumulated deeds, and become first in the deeds ranking at least 3 times.
Dutiful General Train Mounts Level: 3 One who attracts men with pursuit of duty and personal ideals. The epitome of a strong, true officer.
Special: None Fame: 20
Commands: Recruit+, Private Troop Training+, Public Maneuvers, Requisition
Tactics: Martial Music Tactic, Spear Strike Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 5, have at least 15 battles, and defeat more than 10 enemy units.
Peerless General Train Mounts+ Level: 4 A charismatic commander, unmatched in loyalty and courage.
Special: None Fame: 30
Commands: Itinerant Recruiting, Private Troop Training+, Military Review, Recruit Volunteers
Tactics: Major Music Tactic, Fierce Spear Strike Tactic, Local Troop Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 2, have at least 30 battles, and defeat more than 20 enemy units.
Eminent General Dashing Appearance Level: 3 A strategic officer leading extremely powerful private troops into battle.
Special: Elite Private Troops Fame: 20
Commands: Recruit+, Private Troop Training+
Tactics: Martial Music Tactic, Greatbow Tactic, Beast Trap Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 5, win at least 10 battles, and have a rapport of 80+ with at least 10 officers.
Illustrious General Dashing Appearance+ Level: 4 A fine warrior who, with well trained elites, rides unstoppable through the battle.
Special: Elite Guard, Fief Fame: 30
Commands: Itinerant Recruiting, Private Troop Maneuvers
Tactics: Major Music Tactic, Masterbow Tactic, Beast Trap Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 2, win at least 20 battles, and have a rapport of 80+ with at least 20 officers.
Commander Manage Resupply Level: 2 A versatile leader, capable of winning through planning and tactics.
Special: None Fame: 10
Commands: Recruit, Private Troop Training, Speculate
Tactics: Protection Tactic, Spear Ambush Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 7, have at least 100 troop proficiency for private troops, and conduct city training.
Skilled Commander Manage Resupply+ Level: 3 A cunning leader, versed in old and new strategies and able to employ them effectively.
Special: Cleverness Fame: 20
Commands: Recruit, Private Troop Training, Tactical Explanation
Tactics: Protection Tactic, Spear Ambush Tactic, Falling Rock Trap Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 5, have at least 1 tactic that is level 3 or higher, and become first in the deeds ranking.
Erudite Commander Manage Logistics Level: 4 A wise leader, thoroughly conversant with tactics, able to manipulate the battlefield.
Special: Wit Fame: 30
Commands: Recruit+, Private Troop Training+, Tactical Mastery
Tactics: Firm Protection Tactic, Steel Spear Ambush Tactic, Falling Rock Trap Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 2, have at least 3 Tactics that are level 4 or higher, and become first in the deeds ranking at least 3 times.
Guardian Fortify Castle Level: 3 An officer familiar with the use of the terrain in battle, and able to make the most of the strategic points.
Special: Sturdy Fame: 20
Commands: Recruit, Private Troop Training, Construct+
Tactics: Firm Protection Tactic, Hot Oil Trap Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 5, have at least 4,000 in accumulated deeds, and have durability of constructed strongholds over 5,000.
Adamant Guardian Fortify Castle+ Level: 4 The embodiment of an impregnable fortress, well versed in the use of strategic points and strongholds.
Special: Firm & Solid Fame: 30
Commands: Recruit+, Private Troop Training+, Build
Tactics: Firm Protection Tactic, Hot Oil Trap Tactic, Perfect Shield Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 2, have at least 10,000 in accumulated deeds, and have durability of constructed strongholds over 20,000.
Zhaolie the Benevolent Virtue Revealed Level: 4 With a matchless spirit of chivalry, this hero envelops the world in benevolence.
Character: Liu Bei Fame: 0
Hero of a Greater World Talent Over All Level: 4 Skilled in artifice, this exceptional hero places strategy above all.
Character: Cao Cao Fame: 0
Heir of Nobility Military Strut Level: 4 Born of a renowned family, this leader embodies both dignity and authority.
Character: Yuan Shao Fame: 0
Veteran of March Swift as Lightning Level: 4 With his great exploits, the mere mention of this avatar of war was enough to silence crying children.
Character: Zhang Liao Fame: 0
Prodigy Dragon in Glory Level: 4 With talent and ambition, this hero shouldered the fate of the next generation.
Character: Jiang Wei Fame: 0
Lord of the White Horse White Horse Brigade Level: 4 A veteran officer, he bravely stands at the head of a band of bold white horse riders.
Character: Gongsun Zan Fame: 0
King of Dongwude Rule by Virtue Level: 4 Leader of many, this phony king overestimated his own abilities.
Character: Yan Baihu Fame: 0
King of Yan Hidden Rebellion Level: 4 After pretending to obey the strong, this king raised his own flag of independence.
Character: Gongsun Yuan Fame: 0
Military Official System
Fighter Strengthen Patrols Level: 1 A beginner fighter who learns of others by crossing blades with them.
Special: None Fame: 0
Commands: Practice
Tactics: Armored Mount Tactic, Spear Strike Tactic
Conditions: Obtain merit, join a force, and participate in battle.
Warrior Strengthen Patrols+ Level: 2 One who polishes their skills and battles others to reach the top.
Special: None Fame: 10
Commands: Practice+, Martial Conditioning
Tactics: Armored Mount Tactic, Spear Strike Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 8, participate in more than 5 battles, and be victorious in more than 3 duels.
Elite Warrior Augment Grandeur Level: 3 A warrior with polished skills on the battlefield.
Special: Drive, Flash Fame: 30
Commands: Workout, Martial Conditioning+
Tactics: Iron Mount Tactic, Fierce Spear Strike Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 6, win more than 10 battles, and be victorious in more than 5 duels.
Unparalleled Warrior Augment Grandeur+ Level: 4 The Avatar of Battle, whose transcendent skills control the battlefield.
Special: Thousand Worth, Flash Fame: 50
Commands: Military Drilling, Challenge
Tactics: Steel Mount Tactic, Fierce Spear Strike Tactic, Greatbow Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 3, win more than 20 battles, and be victorious in more than 15 duels.
Warrior Master Master & Disciple Level: 4 A grand master whose refined skills have earned them a place among the legends of that nation.
Special: Flash Fame: 50
Commands: Instruct, Martial Demo, Master Teaching
Tactics: Iron Mount Tactic, Violent Spear Strike Tactic, Greatbow Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 3, defeat more than a total of 50 units, and have at least 30 possible comrades.
Fierce Warrior Overwhelming Strike Level: 3 A wild fighter who hunts with private pack, disrupting the battlefield.
Special: None Fame: 10
Commands: Practice+, Private Troop Training, Hunting Contest
Tactics: Fierce Spear Strike Tactic, Prayer Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 6 and fight in more than 20 battles.
Relentless Warrior Overwhelming Strike+ Level: 4 A firebrand whose wild leadership of personal troops brings further chaos to the battlefield.
Special: Brave Fame: 50
Commands: Practice+, Private Troop Training+, Hunting Tournament
Tactics: Violent Spear Strike Tactic, Major Prayer Tactic, Wild Rush Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 3, participate in more than 30 battles, and have more than 5,000 private troops.
Gallant Strengthen Patrols+ Level: 2 A bold leader who tours key points and charms the troops.
Special: Daring Fame: 10
Commands: Practice, Key Point Investigation
Tactics: Spear Strike Tactic, Longbow Tactic, Mobility Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 8, fight a duel, and defeat more than 3 enemy units.
Daring Officer Exceptionally Robust Level: 3 A brave leader of battle whose undeniable courage gives heart to all around.
Special: Daring+, Focus Fame: 30
Commands: Practice, Away Practice
Tactics: Fierce Spear Strike Tactic, Greatbow Tactic, Mobility Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 6, fight in more than 10 duels, and defeat more than 10 enemy units.
War Demon Exceptionally Robust+ Level: 4 A battle demon whose almost mystic abilities bring out the best in troops.
Special: Nobility, Meditate Fame: 50
Commands: Practice+, Discipline
Tactics: Fierce Spear Strike Tactic, Masterbow Tactic, Speedy Movement Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 3, fight in more than 30 duels, and defeat more than 50 enemy units.
Hero Dragon Reign Level: 3 A banner bearer skilled in capturing bases and assisting allies.
Special: Daring, Standard Bearer Fame: 30
Commands: Practice, Key Point Observation
Tactics: Greatbow Tactic, Martial Music Tactic, Speedy Movement Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 6, win more than 10 battles, and defeat more than 10 enemy units.
Paladin Dragon Reign+ Level: 4 The wind of battle who strikes faster and harder than any other on the battlefield.
Special: Daring+, Forerunner Fame: 50
Commands: Practice+, Key Point Inspection
Tactics: Greatbow Tactic, Major Music Tactic, Extreme Swiftness Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 3, win more than 20 battles, and defeat more than 40 enemy units.
Tiger of Jiangdong Decisive Advance Level: 4 A brave and brilliant military commander, this fierce warrior is both dauntless and decisive.
Character: Sun Jian Fame: 0
God of War One's Own World Level: 4 Excelling in both command and military skill, this warrior is unmatched in battle.
Character: Lu Bu Fame: 0
Lord Beautiful Beard Unfazed Vigilance Level: 4 With a red face and beautiful beard, this warrior is a God of War on the battlefield.
Character: Guan Yu Fame: 0
Tiger General Banners & Drums Level: 4 Violent, yet amazingly chivalrous, this gallant was worth a thousand men.
Character: Zhang Fei Fame: 0
Lord of Spears Practice Made Perfect Level: 4 Completely brave and courageous, this warrior pierces the battlefield with his spear.
Character: Zhao Yun Fame: 0
Dandy of Xiliang Skill & Glory Level: 4 A military wonder, this brave and glorious wonder stands out from the rest.
Character: Ma Chao Fame: 0
Old and Strong Will of Iron Level: 4 Old, yet still brave, this veteran warrior fights with polished skill.
Character: Huang Zhong Fame: 0
Little Conqueror Proceed Boldly Level: 4 Vigorous and brave, this warrior resembles the great conqueror of old.
Character: Sun Ce Fame: 0
King of Nanman Me, Myself, and I Level: 4 King and leader of the Nanman, lord of the land and people.
Character: Meng Huo Fame: 0
Advisor System
Orator Cost Down Level: 1 Lays plans, finds people. A standard strategist.
Special: None Fame: 0
Commands: Speculate, Refer
Tactics: Bow Ambush Tactic, Archer's Trap Tactic
Conditions: Obtain merit, join a force, and succeed at investigation at least 1 time.
Planner Regulate Discipline Level: 2 A good strategist who knows strongholds and finds pleasure in battle.
Special: None Fame: 10
Commands: Speculate+, Repair
Tactics: Strongbow Ambush Tactic, Archer's Trap Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 8, win at least 1 battle, and have at least 1 tactic that is level 2 or greater.
Strategic Adviser Regulate Discipline+ Level: 3 Versed in military strategy, one who can adapt strategies to further use strongholds.
Special: None Fame: 30
Commands: Artifice, Repair+, Occupy
Tactics: Steelbow Ambush Tactic, Archer's Trap Tactic, Burrow Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 6, win at least 10 battles, and have at least 1 tactic that is level 4 or greater.
Strategy Master Reorganize Military Level: 4 A wise military advisor, well versed in key points and strongholds and able to control formations.
Special: Disposition Fame: 50
Commands: Artifice+, Repair++, Seize
Tactics: Steelbow Ambush Tactic, Archer's Trap Tactic, Tunnel Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 3, win at least 20 battles, and have at least 1 tactic that is level 5 or greater.
Cunning Leader Speed & Daring Level: 3 A schemer, whose glib tongue manipulates fealty and lowers loyalty.
Special: None Fame: 30
Commands: Artifice, Repair, Scheme
Tactics: Strongbow Ambush Tactic, Poison Trap Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 6, succeed at cajole at least 1 time, and Win at least 10 debates.
Crafty Sage Speed & Daring+ Level: 4 A master-manipulator who plays with the loyalty of those around and whose dark plans can ruin countries.
Special: None Fame: 50
Commands: Artifice+, Repair+, Alienate, Wild Rumors
Tactics: Strongbow Ambush Tactic, Poison Trap Tactic, Stone Soldiers Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 3, succeed at scheme at least 3 times, and win at least 20 debates.
Savant Indomitable Fortitude Level: 4 A sharp tactician who manipulates people and produces results.
Special: Hundred Wiles, Troop Planning Fame: 50
Commands: Artifice+, Scheme
Tactics: Earnest Prayer Tactic, Speedy Movement Tactic, Poison Trap Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 3, defeat more than 30 enemy units, and win at least 20 debates.
Luminary Rewards & Punishment Level: 2 A well connected minister extremely good at searching for talent and soothing human nature.
Special: None Fame: 10
Commands: Refer+, Chat
Tactics: Medic Tactic, Archer's Trap Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 8, participate in battle at least 1 time, and have at least 10 possible comrades.
Celebrity Rewards & Punishment+ Level: 3 A people person who has polished skills through the connections they have built up.
Special: None Fame: 30
Commands: Refer+, Esteem, Celebrity Interaction
Tactics: Major Medic Tactic, Archer's Trap Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 6, participate in battle at least 10 times, and have at least 20 possible comrades.
Loyal Partisan Virtue & Authority Level: 4 Unrivaled in their connections across the land, this individual excels in commanding their followers.
Special: Virtue Fame: 50
Commands: Appoint, Sentiment Awareness, Celebrity Goodwill
Tactics: Extreme Medic Tactic, Archer's Trap Tactic, Falling Rock Trap Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 3 and have at least 50 possible comrades.
Mastermind Overall Authority Level: 4 With dignity and style, this leader was destined to dominate those around them.
Special: Frank Remonstrations Fame: 50
Commands: Refer+, Influence Sentiment, Celebrity Interaction
Tactics: Major Medic Tactic, Beast Trap Tactic, Exploitation Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 3, collect funds exceeding 30,000, and have at least 30 possible Comrades.
Great Teacher Yellow Dragon Stands Level: 4 The founder of the Way of Peace, the one who is determined to save the people of the world.
Character: Zhang Jiao Fame: 0
Sleeping Dragon Eight Symbol Code Level: 4 One of a pair of matchless geniuses, a veritable dragon on the verge of waking.
Character: Zhuge Liang Fame: 0
Far Sighted and Deep Patient Prodigy Level: 4 A strategist craftily making their way through the world, concealing future plans deep in his heart.
Character: Sima Yi Fame: 0
Wise and Penetrating Eyes Wise Command Level: 4 A wise general, able to discern the true nature of things and calmly carry out plans.
Character: Lu Xun Fame: 0
Beautiful Duke Tolerant Genius Level: 4 A brilliant strategist blessed with intelligence, bravery, exceptional looks, and great strategies.
Character: Zhou Yu Fame: 0
Young Phoenix Phoenix Dance Level: 4 One of a pair of matchless geniuses, a phoenix chick beginning to spread its wings.
Character: Pang Tong Fame: 0
Ability is All Listen & Learn Level: 4 Brilliant, upright and clean-handed, this famous strategist is both intelligent and kind.
Character: Xun Yu Fame: 0
Alluring Beauty Born of Beauty Level: 4 None can stand against beauty and wisdom. This peerless beauty was unmatched in her age.
Character: Diaochan Fame: 0
Civil Servant System
Official Stimulate Learning Level: 1 One who manages and controls a city's governmental jobs and people.
Special: None Fame: 0
Commands: Special Conscription, Report Merit
Tactics: Protection Tactic, Prayer Tactic
Conditions: Obtain merit, join a force, and complete at least 1 mission.
Civil Servant Agricultural Expansion Level: 2 One skilled at city management, always bringing a profit.
Special: Incidental Income Fame: 10
Commands: Special Conscription+, Audience
Tactics: Protection Tactic, Prayer Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 7, have at least 3 merit reports, and carry out at least 10 missions.
Minister Agricultural Expansion+ Level: 3 One skilled in economics, bringing wealth to the treasury.
Special: Control Tariffs Fame: 20
Commands: Treasury Investigation, Audience+
Tactics: Firm Protection Tactic, Prayer Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 5, arrange at least 5 audiences, and carry out at least 20 missions.
Prime Minister National Cultivation Level: 4 A key individual who manages gold, supplies, and personnel to keep the nation's prosperous.
Special: Manage Tax Fame: 30
Commands: Treasury Investigation+, Select
Tactics: Absolute Protection Tactic, Major Prayer Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 2, arrange out at least 10 audiences, and carry out at least 40 missions.
Bureaucrat Regulate Finances Level: 3 One who influences government to control events and bring personal and public profit.
Special: Hidden Ledger Fame: 20
Commands: Audit Ledger, Supply Treasury, Private Transaction
Tactics: Firm Protection Tactic, Disturbance Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 5, collect funds exceeding 5,000, and have at least 10 potential comrades.
Consul Regulate Finances+ Level: 4 A shrewd one who keeps both the treasury and politics under the thumb and enriches the country through profit.
Special: Hidden Ledger Fame: 30
Commands: Audit Ledger+, Supply Treasury, Private Transaction+, Officer Enticement
Tactics: Absolute Protection Tactic, Confusion Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 2, collect funds exceeding 15,000, and have at least 20 potential comrades.
Kingmaker Despotic Tyranny Level: 4 A crook who makes the country their own private playground and takes advantage of the position to fill own pockets.
Special: Black Market Fame: 30
Commands: Treasury Awareness, Supply Treasury, Private Transaction
Tactics: Firm Protection Tactic, Bribe Trap Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 2 and collect funds exceeding 30,000.
Envoy Free Speech Level: 2 A diplomat skilled in speaking and negotiating.
Special: Diplomatic Skills Fame: 10
Commands: Broker, Report Merit
Tactics: Medic Tactic, Protection Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 7, win at least 2 debates, and have a rapport of 80+ with at least 3 officers.
Diplomat Glib Eloquence Level: 3 An exceptional speaker who uses skills to spread calm and bring peace.
Special: Diplomatic Skills Fame: 20
Commands: Broker+, Report Merit, Mediate
Tactics: Major Medic Tactic, Protection Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 5, win at least 15 debates, and have a rapport of 80+ with at least 10 officers.
Ambassador Glib Eloquence+ Level: 4 An exceptional speaker capable of outmaneuvering others, stopping wars, and bringing about alliances.
Special: Tact Fame: 30
Commands: Spread Rumors, Audience, Mediate, Conclude Treaty
Tactics: Extreme Medic Tactic, Firm Protection Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 2, win at least 30 debates, and have a rapport of 80+ with at least 30 officers.
Provocateur Honeyed Poison Level: 3 An exceptional speaker who uses skills to rile the people and spread discord.
Special: Diplomatic Skills Fame: 20
Commands: Notoriety, Report Merit, Alliance
Tactics: Medic Tactic, Confusion Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 5, win at least 15 debates, and succeed at broker missions.
Firebrand Honeyed Poison+ Level: 4 An exceptional speaker capable of controlling hearts, calling forth chaos and fanning the flames of war.
Special: Diplomatic Skills Fame: 30
Commands: Slander, Audience, Diffusion Tactic
Tactics: Major Medic Tactic, Upheaval Tactic
Conditions: Achieve rank 2, win at least 30 debates, and succeed at alliance missions.
Lord Blue Eyes Wisdom & Ability Level: 4 Sporting an outlandish purple beard and blue eyes, this great ruler loves people and land.
Character: Sun Quan Fame: 0
Tyrant Eternal Banquet Level: 4 Brutal and inhumane, this tyrant is the greatest villain in history.
Character: Dong Zhuo Fame: 0
Master of Wiles Vain Pride Level: 4 The Master of Wiles will replace the Han. This dreamer declared himself a new king.
Character: Yuan Shu Fame: 0
Great Queen of Wo Level: 4
Character: Himiko Fame: 0

Special abilities derived from the player's own prestige title. Has an encompassing effect on the whole army during the planning phase.

Ability Description
Improve Training Training Results +
Improve Training+ Training Results ++
Raise Morale Training Results ++, Army Morale -
Raise Morale+ Training Results +++, Army Morale --
Train Mounts Training Results +++
Train Mounts+ Training Results ++++
Dashing Appearance Training Results ++, POP Increase +
Dashing Appearance+ Training Results +++, POP Increase ++
Manage Resupply Training Results +, Troop Recovery +
Manage Resupply+ Training Results +, Troop Recovery ++
Manage Logistics Training Results ++, Troop Recovery +++
Fortify Castle Training Results +, City Durability ++
Fortify Castle+ Training Results ++, City Durability +++
Strengthen Patrols Patrol Results +
Strengthen Patrols+ Patrol Results ++
Augment Grandeur Patrol Results ++, POP Increase +
Augment Grandeur+ Patrol Results +++, POP Increase ++
Master & Disciple Patrol Results +++, Subordinate Merit ++
Overwhelming Strike Patrol Results ++, Suppress DEM +
Overwhelming Strike+ Patrol Results +++, Suppress DEM ++
Exceptionally Robust Patrol Results +, Army Speed ++
Exceptionally Robust+ Patrol Results ++, Army Speed +++
Dragon Reign Patrol Results +++
Dragon Reign+ Patrol Results ++++
Cost Down Subordinate Stipend -
Regulate Discipline Army Morale Down -, Troop Recovery +
Regulate Discipline+ Army Morale Down --, Troop Recovery +
Reorganize Military Army Morale Down ---, Troop Recovery ++
Speed & Daring Army Morale Down -, Army Speed ++
Speed & Daring+ Army Morale Down --, Army Speed +++
Indomitable Fortitude Army Morale Down ---, City Durability ++
Rewards & Punishment Subordinate Merit +, Subordinate Stipend -
Rewards & Punishment+ Subordinate Merit +, Subordinate Stipend --
Virtue & Authority Subordinate Merit ++, Subordinate Stipend ---
Overall Authority Subordinate Merit +, Subordinate Stipend --, Initial Foreign Negotiation Rate ++
Stimulate Learning Cultural Results +
Agricultural Expansion Harvest ++
Agricultural Expansion+ Harvest +++
National Cultivation Harvest ++++
Regulate Finances Income +++
Regulate Finances+ Income ++++
Despotic Tyranny Income +++, Subordinate Stipend --, Fealty -, Suppress DEM ++
Free Speech Cultural Results +, Initial Foreign Negotiation Rate +
Glib Eloquence Cultural Results +, Initial Foreign Negotiation Rate ++
Glib Eloquence+ Cultural Results ++, Initial Foreign Negotiation Rate +++
Honeyed Poison Placate Results ++, Initial Foreign Negotiation Rate +
Honeyed Poison+ Placate Results +++, Initial Foreign Negotiation Rate ++
Virtue Revealed POP increase +++, Troop Recovery ++
Talent Over All Subordinate Merit ++, Training Results +++
Decisive Advance Patrol Results ++, Army Morale Decrease -, Suppress Destruction ++
Wisdom & Ability Subordinate Merit +++, Army Morale Decrease --
Eternal Banquet Income +++, Harvest ++, Suppress Destruction ++, Domestic -
One's Own World Training Results ++, Army Morale ++, Army Speed +++, Domestic -
Military Strut Subordinate Merit +++, POP Increase +, Suppress Destruction +
Yellow Dragon Stands Subordinate Stipend --, Troop Recovery +++
Eight Symbol Code Army Morale Decrease ---, Troop Recovery +++
Patient Prodigy Unfazed Army Morale Decrease ---, Army Speed +++
Vigilance Patrol Results ++, Army Morale Decrease ---
Banners & Drums Patrol Results +++, Army Morale Decrease -, Suppress Destruction +
Practice Made Perfect Patrol Results +++, Army Speed +, Base Durability +
Skill & Glory Patrol Results +, Army Speed ++++
Will of Iron Patrol Results +++, Troop Recovery ++
Wise Command Army Morale Decrease ---, City Durability +, Troop Recovery +
Tolerant Genius Cultural Results +, Training Results ++, Army Morale Decrease --
Phoenix Dance Army Morale Decrease --, Army Speed +, Suppress Destruction ++
Swift as Lightning Army Speed ++, Suppress Destruction ++, City Durability +
Listen & Learn Subordinate Merit +++, Subordinate Stipend --
Proceed Boldly Army Morale Decrease ---, Suppress Destruction ++
Vain Pride Income ++, Subordinate Merit ++, Initial Foreign Negotiation Rate +++, Domestic -
Me, Myself, and I Patrol Results +, City Durability ++++
Dragon in Glory Army Morale Decrease --, Suppress Destruction +, Troop Recovery ++
Born of Beauty Cultural Results ++, Subordinate Stipend --, Placate Results +
White Horse Brigade Army Speed +++, City Durability ++
Rule by Virtue Income +++, POP Increase ++, Suppress Destruction ++, Fealty -
Hidden Rebellion Initial Foreign Negotiation Rate +, Patrol Results ++, City Durability ++

Gameplay Notes[]


  • Deployed units that use special troop types (Elephants, Armored Infantry, etc.) will not lose their special troops if control of the village that supplies those troops is lost.
  • Elephant units cannot climb Siege Ladders, while all other Horse units can. This is offset by the extremely high destruction rating of Elephant units being able to quickly destroy enemy gates.


  • The Fortified Camp stronghold permanently buffs the Defense stat of all units of the side that own the stronghold during battle. As a result, Routed units will only take limited damage, even if their defense stat has been lowered by an enemy Strategy.


  • The first level of the Coax skill will allow an officer performing a Placate mission to use the Coax command and immediately conduct a debate to convince the village to change allegiances without having to repeatedly use the Persuade command first. Each subsequent level of the skill will increase the amount of progress made while using the Persuade command.
  • The first level of the Orator skill will allow an officer to use the Ignore command once during debates. The third level of the skill will allow the use of Ignore twice during a debate.
  • The first level of the Virtue skill will guarantee that officers who the player character are not yet acquainted with will never refuse to meet the player character for the first time during visits without an introduction letter.
  • The first level of the Overawe skill increases the total troops that an officer can command by 2000. Each consecutive level of the skill increases commanded troops by an additional 500, totaling 6000 troops at the ninth level of the skill.
  • The first level of the Naval skill will prevent units commanded by the officer from suffering gradual morale degradation during naval battles without having to Link ships together.
  • The first level of the Heroism skill will allow units that are performing a strategy with the Strike effect to strike on units of their own class in addition to their ideal strike target. (Example: Spear units, which normally strike on Horse units, will Strike other Spear units as well) Each subsequent level of the skill will further increases the effectiveness of Strikes against units of the same type.


  • If the Han Dynasty is still in power, than the Ruler of the Yellow Turban army can neither attain nor award titles. If the Han Dynasty is destroyed, only then can the Yellow Turban army gain titles.
  • If the Han Dynasty is still in power, than a Ruler must both possess the Imperial Seal and control the Han Emperor, in addition to achieving 25000 Presence in order to attain the rank of Emperor.


  • Original Officers that are assigned as the Ruler of an Original Force at the start of a scenario will begin the game at level 3 of their set Ideal Prestige.
  • Original Officers that are assigned to a force at the start of a scenario will begin the game at level 1 of their set Ideal Prestige with progress already made towards the requirements for the next level.

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