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Strike Freedom
Strike Freedom Gundam (DWG2)
Mobile Suit Information
Series Appearance(s): Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny
Main Pilot(s): Kira Yamato
Height: 18.88 meters
Weight: 80.09 metric tons
Weapon(s): MMI-GAU27D 31mm CIWS
MA-M21KF High Energy beam rifle x2
MA-80V Beam Assault Cannon x8
MA-M02G "Super Lacerta" beam saber x2
MGX-2235 "Calidus" Multi-Phase Beam cannon
MMI-M15E "Xiphias 3" Rail cannon x2

METEOR: 120cm High-energy Beam cannon 2x
93.7cm High-energy Beam cannon 2x
MA-X200 Beam Sword 2x
60cm "Erinaceus" Anti-Ship Missile Launchers x77

First Appearance: Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2

ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam is the direct successor to the Freedom Gundam that is given to Kira after the original's destruction. While similar in looks and armed with a similar METEOR system, its performance outshines many other Mobile Suits on the battlefield. Its two beam rifles can be joined together to increase their output and to form a hidden torso beam cannon. Its golden inner frame is an internal Phase Shift that grants the flexibility and durability needed for greater movement.

Strike Freedom also carries "Super DRAGOONs", which are beam cannons powerful enough to incapacitate battleships in one run. When these weapons are deployed, a series of thrusters activate to give the machine a speed boost which are called "Wings of the Skies".

Battle Data[]


Keys Square Normal Attack Tri Charge Attack Circle SP Attack X Dash/Boost Dash

Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3[]

Square, Square, Square, Square, Square, Square: A series of slashes with its beam sabers, ending in a sweep with both.
Triangle: Fires a barrage from its beam rifles
Square, Triangle: Rolls to the right, firing a barrage of shots from its beam rifles
Square, Square, Triangle: Two stabs, followed by an upper slash
Square, Square, Square, Triangle: Fires a shot from its chest beam cannon
Square, Square, Square, Square, Triangle: Flips into the air and fire shots from its beam rifle in a widespread motion
Square, Square, Square, Square, Square, Triangle: Deploys its DRAGOONs which fly in front of it in a wide area and stab enemies with their edges.
Circle: Fires a sustained beam of energy from its combined beam rifles.
Combination Circle: Deploys its DRAGOONs for an all range beam assault that covers a wide area.
X, Square, Square, Square: Two slashes and a stab
Square, Triangle: Fires a linked shot from its rail cannons:
Circle: Hi-MAT Full Burst.

Dynasty Warriors: Gundam Reborn[]

Square, Square, Square, Square, Square, Square: Same combo string from DWG3
Triangle: Fires a barrage from its beam rifle
Hold Triangle: Fires a shot from its beam cannon.
Square, Triangle, Triangle,: A rising spin slash, followed by another spin firing beam shots in a fanned out formation and ending in a linked shot from its beam rifles fired from either side.
Square, Square, Triangle: Flying kick, followed by deploying its DRAGOONs to converge on a single spot to stab the enemy with beam blades.
Square, Square, Square, Triangle: Flies into the air and deploys its DRAGOONs, aiming down and spinning to unleash an expanding column of beams.
Square, Square, Square, Square, Triangle: Same as in DWG3
Square, Square, Square, Square, Square, Triangle: Same as its Aerial SP from previous games, but with longer reach
Circle: Same as its Combination SP from DWG3
Hold Circle: Docks with METEOR for a barrage of beam fire and missile salvos
Square, Square, Square, Square, Square, Square: Several slashes with its beam sabers.
Square, Triangle: Fires a linked blast from its rail cannons.
Circle: Same as its ground SP from previous games

Square, Square, Square, Square, Square, Square: Several slashes from its beam swords, followed by a sweep
Triangle: Fires a salvo of missiles.
Hold Triangle: Fires a barrage from its beam weapons.
Square, Triangle,: Barrel rolls with its beam swords extended.
Circle: Hi-MAT Full Burst.

Special Equipment[]

  • Multi Lock-On: SP Attack power is increased when a Newtype or Cyber Newtype is piloting.

In the fourth title, all units use a Burst Mode rather than special passive equipment.

Burst Mode[]
  • METEOR: Docks with the METEOR. Moveset changes and cannot flinch against attacks.