The following is a list of common troop and officer types exclusively found in the Warriors Orochi series. Models for soldiers and generals from the Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors series appear and use like movesets. Troops are able to perform single attacks by themselves and in coordination with other like units. Officers can perform combo strings but are unable to use Musou attacks.
Orochi Warriors[]
With the exception of his generals, the bulk of Orochi's armies all share the same appearance. They have a pale blue skin, white hair and are shirtless. They can wield an assortment of weapons:
- Sword - a style adapted from Samurai Warriors. Uses kicks and curved swings. in Warriors Orochi 3 and 4, a style adapted from Dynasty Warriors.
- Spear - a style adapted from Samurai Warriors. Uses kicks and curved swings. in Warriors Orochi 3 and 4, a style adapted from Dynasty Warriors.
- Bow - shoots arrows from afar. Generally fires randomly, sometimes as a group, sometimes in succession.
The counterparts that are led by Tamamo look severely different, sporting a different hairstlyle, a much more brown skin tone and a much more wild appearance to reflect their untamed nature.
Greek faction troops come in the form of Zeus's forces on Olympus who don a white chiton and golden helmets, a lot of their infantry also appears with shields. Odin's Asgard faction don brown armor, red scarves and european style breastplates, they also carry axes instead of swords. Hades underworld army is a palette swap of Zeus' army but they also wield axes like the Asgardian faction.
Generic Officers[]
The most common demon general. They are blue and have a stocky build. They also have a mouthpiece that looks like fangs and share visual traits similar to a medieval interrogator or executioner. Their attack style is as follows:
- Sword - Same as peons but now uses a full combo system. They only use a Sword in Warriors Orochi 1~2.
- Naginata - For some reason although it's a weapon in and of itself in Samurai Warriors the moveset is that of the spear moveset of the game.They only use a Naginata in Warriors Orochi 1~2.
- Spear - Same as the generics from Dynasty Warriors. in Warriors Orochi 4, They adapt their moveset from the a spear moveset from Dynasty Warriors.
Kyubi no Kitsune also has these generals in her army, and they look similar to the original except they have their fangs covered by a mask that conveys a red symbol.
Olympian general:
Asgardian general:
Dynasty Warriors[]
Common Troops[]
These are the most poorly armored troops in Dynasty Warriors. Common troops include:
Private - Privates will serve as the games' main fodder, coming at the player by the hundreds. They, like peasants, can wield a sword, spear, halberd or pike. Spear-wielding Privates will usually charge at the player in unison. Halberd-wielding Privates do something similar with a jump attack.
- Peasant - Peasants are the weakest Common Troop as they can be defeated in just one hit by almost any character with any weapon. They wield a sword.
- Corporal - Corporals are rare and stronger versions of the Common Troop, but they generally are no more different than them. They normally appear in older games via higher-ranked stages in terms of difficulty.
- Messengers - Common troops will appear with the name “Messenger” above their heads. They are essentially Peasants that drop messages. common troops have very little armor, a leather lamellar coat underneath a cloth jerkin, with a leather piece wrapped around the waist and stomach. Their hair is combed back and tied into a bun, and wield a sword.
- Major - The highest ranking of all generic troops. A single Major will lead a unit of five, containing four Privates (or four Guards for Major Guards).
Guard - Guards are bodyguards to certain officers, usually commanders and powerful ones that also double as playable characters. Guards also wear heavy armor, and usually wield spears or swords. Their appearance is also used for Gate Soldiers, or can lead a unit of five, containing a Guard and four Privates.
- Elite Guard - Originally known as a Guard Captain, this form of Sergeant is normally lead by another group of guards. However, what greatly sets them apart is their high frequency of dropping healing items when defeated, making them invaluable to target when in a dire situation. What kind of healing item dropped tends to be random however, but they are likely to drop ones that heal a good amount of HP.
Sergeant - Sergeants are at the entrance to and inside of bases. They are slightly bolder than their Private look-a-likes but are generally no stronger. Sergeants can wield a sword, spear, or pike. Sergeants are often the general model for NPC officers of the Yellow Turbans.
Archer - A support unit from beginning to end, their role is to assist the vanguard by sniping enemies from a long distance with bows and crossbows. While their potency may vary in each installment of the series, archers are a considerable threat when in groups. They often wear little to no armor to allow for faster mobility. When approached up close, they will try to run away to gain distance.
First Bow/First Crossbow - They always attack in tandem with four archers under their command. These units have slightly higher stats and wear different clothes to distinguish themselves from regular archers. If these units are defeated first, then their respective archer subordinates within their unit will falter somewhat in two ways; one is where they might retreat and act rather unorganized at a distance, or if the player runs away from them to process them off-screen, they will disappear. Thus, targeting First Bows tends to be a priority in order to ease amount of enemy archers within the vicinity. In addition, these units often drop arrows when defeated.
Lady Guard - Lady Guards serve as bodyguards for female officers. They will wield a sword and use a unique moveset. They are not very well protected, having only a cloth jerkin for protection with a leather shoulder section as well as cloth wrist guards and leather boots. Also, they have almost no clothing to protect their back. There is no physical difference between a normal Lady Guard and Captain
Heavy Troops[]
Heavy troops have a chainmail undercoat and a cloth jerkin overcoat. Over that however is a leather lamellar chest piece, leather knee pads, leather ankle guards, iron wrist guards and a helmet with a blunt point. These are much better protected in comparison to common troops. Heavy troops include:
Guard Captain - Guard Captains stand as the leader of bases. Guard Captains can wield a sword, spear, or pike, but as the leader for Attack Bases, they wield dual swords with fast attacks, or a pike and a shield for Defense Bases. These are slightly stronger than their common troop counterparts.
- Gate Troops - Gate Troops defend check points with their Guard Captain leader. They will only wield swords. Unlike their leader, none of them drop anything upon losing in battle.
Bombardier - Decked in armor and packed with explosives, Bombardiers are specialized units introduced in Dynasty Warriors 4. They often appear in covert missions involving sabotage, traps, ambushes, etc. Though not exactly the fastest compared to other troops, these units more than make up for that with their ability to lob bombs from a distance with precise accuracy.
Yellow Turban Troops[]
Turban Infantry - Turban Infantry are light, militia units. Turban infantry have very little protection. They wear a light cloth jerking with scraps of leather tied onto to the chest and shins. They also have leather wristbands and have a yellow bandanna around their forehead. There are two types:
- Infantry - The fodder of the Yellow Turban army. They are working-class men who have volunteered to fight for “Heavens' Will”. They can wield a sword, spear or pike. Infantry will attack like any other common troop unit, like Privates.
- Bandit Infantry - Bandit Infantry are the main source of income for Bandit Chiefs. Small units are hired out to fight for people. Bandit Infantry use Axes.
Turban Sorcerer - Zhang Jiao taught these sorcerers his mystic ways in exchange for their service in his campaign. A Turban Sorcerer will assist Zhang Jiao and his brothers in casting spells and reciting incantations. Sorcerers wield no weapons and instead attack with magic. They can freeze their enemies on the spot via elemental shot blasts that are always ice element, shoot stunning lasers, and use gusts of wind to clear crowds. They wear no armor whatsoever other than their decorative ceremonial robes.
Turban Captain - Turban Captains are heavy, militia units. A Turban Captain has a full leather lamella undercoat and a cloth jerkin on their lower half, but on the upper half is a leather strip across the waist and stomach. Leather wrist and ankle guards are also present, along with a helmet. There are two types:
- Captains - Turban Captains lead groups of four Turban Infantry into battle. They are part time soldiers who have volunteered to fight for “Heaven's will”. They can wield a sword, spear or pike.
- Bandit Captain - A Bandit Captain will lead his band of Bandit Infantry into battle on his masters request in exchange for a cut of the hiring fee. He too will wield an axe.
Nanman Troops[]
Nanman Infantry - Nanman Infantry are the brave warriors of the wild. They attack with ferocity, using nature to their advantage. They will wield a sword, spear or pike. Their armor usage is minimal, a single leather scale corset over their stomachs, a leather headband and cloth wrist and ankle guards. Nanman Infantry will attack like any other common troop unit, like Privates.
Armored Troops - Said to be "invincible", their uniqueness is their extraordinary defense, heavy moveset, and invulnerability to arrows. Normally they appear only in small quantity and are defeated by explosive crates or flaming arrows. These troops almost resemble normal infantry except for the fact that they don straw helmets, and rattan strips of armor down one side.
Nanman Amazon - Like their male Nanman counterparts, Amazons are practically naked. A cloth piece covers their chest and pelvis whilst there are leather wrist, guards and fur skin boots. They will wield a sword with a unique moveset. They are Zhu Rong's bodyguards.
- Nanman Sorcerer - These female witch doctors fight in the same manner as their Yellow Turban counterparts. Rather than subduing foes with ice and lightning elemental shots, however, they use poison or blast shots to weaken them gradually.
Nanman Captain - .Nanman Captains led their fierce warriors into battle. One Captain will lead four Nanman Infantrymen into the fray, they will wield a sword, spear or pike. In contrast to their warriors, Captains have a fair bit of armor. A full leather lamellar undercoat and a cloth jerkin over it. Over that a fur skin chest piece, cloth thigh, wrist and ankle guards and even rigid leather helmet with a plume.
Generic Officers[]
Warrior - These too are common among the ranks of the Yellow Turbans, but also make up a good part of other armies. They are decently armored, having a chest plate, shoulder plate, thigh plate set of armor as well as wrist guards and a turban
Large Warrior - These officers are as common as, but much burlier than the Warrior's model. They have a large muscle mass and as such only wear leather lamellar underneath a plate mail chest piece, shoulder guards, shin guards and wrist guards. They have their hair tied into a bun and have a light cloth wrap around their waist.
Hero - These officers are some of the best protected officers, having a full chainmail suit underneath a suit of plate mail. Shoulder, shin and wrist guards and a helmet with a small spike are also present.
Strategist - These are common among the ranks of the Yellow Turbans, and the back of other most armies. They wear a leather lamellar coat underneath a layered strategist robe and a kind of tall, stiff Hitelmacher-like hat on their head.
- Sorcerer - Using the Strategist model and introduced in Dynasty Warriors 6, Sorcerer officers use staves. They attack with a staff clone moveset and are similar to Zhang Jiao's version of the style. Really the only officers who are this are Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang. They walk in a hunched manner similar to Pang Tong or Zhang Jiao.
Ruler - These are the most heavily armored of all generic officers, having a full chainmail suit underneath a suit of plate mail, then a leather lamellar chest piece and a regal overcoat, with shoulder pads, full forearm and leg protection. They have a decorative yet necessary helmet with a chain mail drape for neck protection and a long plume form to show authority. They are all sword wielders in battle. Examples are Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shu.
Barbarian - These officers make up a greater section of Nanman armies officers, usually being great warriors within their tribes. They have no real armor, wrist plates aside. Their only real protection is intimidation which consists of an animal skull helmet, painted markings all over the body and an unshaven, savage look. A fur skin pelt covers their pelvis and is held by a belt made of animal hide. They also have a necklace of a small ring. They are sword wielders, but very few also use pikes and spears. Examples are Jinhuan Sanjie and Wu Tugu.
Nanman Officer - These officers make up a lesser section of Nanman armies officers, usually being the leaders of a tribe within the kingdom. They are slightly better armored than their Barbarian comrades, having thigh and wrist plates. There is also a small leather cape-like item draped over their backs and the skull helmet has now been replaced by a stiff, decorated crown with a small draping piece of leather for neck protection. Pikes are their main weapon of choice. Examples are King Duosi and King Mulu.
Samurai Warriors[]
Common Troops[]
Soldier - Soldiers wear simple colored headbands, chest plates, gauntlets and shin guards. Their arms and legs are exposed and they carry a sword.
Light Infantry - They wear wide-brimmed hats and a simple armor to protect themselves and wield a spear. Groups of spearmen of this unit type may be lopped together to form a set rapid-thrusting spear auras in front of themselves via a joint-defensive position for gradual damage.
Infantry - These troops wear similar armor and use the same spears as the Light Infantry but wear stronger helmets.
Heavy Infantry - They wear heavier armor than the light troops and command a unit of four infantry. They wield a shield and a spear and usually serve as defense captains for gates and bases. Heavy infantry can also perform a forward charging joint assault which can knock down the player upon contact, and can also deflect Hyper Attacks with ease.
Woman - The female counterpart of the soldier wearing simple armor, and metal headbands with their arms and thighs exposed. They will wield a sword or a naginata. Both weapons have the same movesets as officers, but are limited due to their class type.
Archer - They wear leather armor and a hat and can command a few archers under him. Unlike muskets, arrows cannot penetrate the player's guard but can make the player fall off their mount or stagger when on foot.
Musketeer - They wear leather armor and a cap and command a few riflemen. Musket bullets can break your guard and make the player fall from their mount.
Cannonade - Look similar to the Musketeer but can perform a moving barrage with their rifle.
Peasant - These soldiers wear simple cloth armor, little protection and use spears.
Ninja - They are one of the fastest troops, wearing a basic ninja attire and use ninjato. They are the only troop that utilizes a complete basic moveset, containing four normal attacks and charge attacks each. Ninja are slightly less sturdy than typical troops and can perform a wind-based musou attack as Nene. Ninjas also appear as bodyguards in the series. While they lack dashing attacks in all their appearances, they are often the most aggressive attackers compared to other enemy units, so players on higher difficulties should take caution.
Kunoichi - Also called Lady Ninja, are the female counterparts of the Ninja and use the same moveset. They wear slightly more revealing clothing and also appear as bodyguards in both the first and second games.
Sumo - Also called Strike Ninja in the first game, they are the heaviest and slowest of all the units. They use their bare hands to push or throw enemies aside and are more resilient than all other units. In Samurai Warriors 4, some of them carry massive logs and can throw boulders, with some retaining their original striking gesture and are often hired by rebel armies in small groups to barricade the other army's advance. Their strikes are quite powerful and can break a player's guard.
Sky Ninja - A skinny ninja wielding a drill. They only have a normal attack, which involves burrowing into the ground. He can move whist buried and launch an unblockable attack by leaping out from underneath the player. A glowing red circle on the ground (or a smoke mass on the ground depending on the title) will indicate when they will strike.
Monk - Also sometimes known as Wind Ninja, they wear basket-like hats that cover their heads and a monk attire (akin to a komusō). Their normal attack involves the monk rolling around, damaging any enemy he hits. Their charge attack is a support move, giving troops near him a status buff while playing a tune from his flute. They also appear as bodyguards in Samurai Warriors 2 and are given a naginata moveset instead.
Fire Ninja - A ninja equipped with a backpack full of bombs. His normal attack plants a bomb which will explode after a certain amount of time. His charge attack throws a bomb that explodes on impact. He also appears as a bodyguard.
Master Ninja - These units wear heavier ninja tunics, use ninjato and command lesser ninja units.
Kyūshū Troops[]
Kyūshū Soldier - These troops dress in a fusion of European-styled breastplates and samurai armor as protection for their shoulders and thighs. They all carry spears and wear simple helmets.
Kyūshū Captain - Captains wear a slightly more heavily armored variation of the typical soldier mentioned above. They don thicker helmets and use a sword.
Generic Officers[]
Brave - Officers in this category wear a typical full set of armor, an opened-faced, antlered-horned helmet and fight with a spear.
Strong - These generals dress in typical armor used for the chest, shins, shoulders and gauntlets. They don a two horned, black helmet, a plain, open-sleeved surcoat over their armor and wield a sword. They are generally younger in appearance than the other officer types.
Fierce - Generals in this class fix armor only on their left shoulder and wear no under-robe. They are adorned with a small breastplate, throat guard, and protection for their legs. They carry a spear and wear a flamed-horn helmet.
Noble - These soldiers wear light protection, equipped with a simple breastplate and gauntlets. They wear aristocratic hats and white headbands to reflect their status and use a sword.
Wise - Warriors in this group usually consist of strategists and old army veterans. They wear a similar attire as the younger Strong officers, don a simple cap and wield a sword.
Wild - Officers in this rank equip a mix of European-styled breastplates and typical samurai armaments for the arms and legs. They wear a face mask, a tall feathered helmet and employ a sword.
Hydra: The true form of the God of Destruction, Orochi X. 8 heads that attack with fireballs, can only be defeated with specialised weapons such as the Yashio'ori because common ballistae cannot damage it enough and conventional fighting cannot reach it's domain in the lava. in Warriors Orochi 4, they introduces monsters as a recurring threat in the Warriors Orochi series. They all have different attacks and can be formidable threats if not dealt with quickly. They resist most conventional attacks and require the use of magic and Sacred Treasures to help weaken or vanquish them.
Chaos Origin- These blue hollowed out spirits appear in fixed positions of the maps, can cause nearby troops to resist normal attacks the same as they can and can summon extra reinforcements on a sporadic basis. They only appear for enemy forces, never the allied.
Cyclops- A giant with a helmet and a piercing blue eye, they move very slow but have a large area of attack, they can also stomp to push attackers away.
Griffin- Quadrupedal bird like creatures that can attack with ice. The best strategy is to hit them from behind as their ice attacks have a large coverage.
Wraith- Black hollowed out spirits, bear some resemblance to chaos origins, who are very aggressive if approached. Fire and giant variants also exist.
Voice Actors[]
- Hisao Egawa, Kenji Nojima, Tsuyoshi Takishita, Masato Obara, Hiromu Miyazaki, Takeshi Kusao, Hiroshi Okamoto, Takahiro Fujimoto, Shunzo Miyasaka, Shinichi Yamada, Masaya Takatsuka, Ai Maeda, Nobutoshi Canna, Koji Haramaki, Takuya Kirimoto, Kenji Akabane - Warriors Orochi 3
- Reo Kiuchi, Takuya Okamoto, Kohsuke Tanabe, Yuma Miyabe, Chihaya Terasaki - Soldiers in Warriors Orochi 4
- Go Fujimoto, Masamu Ono, Sho Sonoda, Yasunao Sakai, Yusuke Shirooka, Takumu Miyazono, Masaki Hayashi, Kaito Takeda, Shikito Miyagi, Kensuke Shimizu - Officers in Warriors Orochi 4
See also[]
Unit Types
Dynasty Warriors • Samurai Warriors • Warriors Orochi • Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War • Bladestorm: Nightmare • One Piece: Pirate Warriors • Hyrule Warriors • Fire Emblem Warriors |
Unique Units |
Juggernaut • Tiger • Wolf • Elephant • Panda • Bear • Falcon • Beasts • Siege Weapons |